Favourite Artist – Little mix

Little Mix. Little Mix. Over the years I have had a lot of favourite artists. But there is one who has stuck around and from the looks of it, they are here to stay. If you see me with my headphones, then you can bet a 70% chance that I am listening to a Little Mix playlist. In fact, as I write this article, their track You Gotta Not is blasting my ears. If you ask me why I love these girls so much, I will ask you, what is there not to love? I mean these girls have the voices of Angels.
They are four amazing girls who were put together in the UK X Factor show. Since then they have become the biggest girl group in the entire world. Dropping hits such as shout out to my ex, touch and power.
I fell in love with the girls back in 2015 (I know, I was late to the party), when I heard their track black magic. Needless to say, the song played on a loop for months. When I searched for their live performances on youtube, that love was cemented. After that, I started listening to all their songs and following their career. Those girls know how to put on a performance.
Honestly, if you have not seen them live (on YouTube that is), please do. Here are some of my favourite performances.
The jaw-dropping performances
Little Mix – Power (Live from Capital FM’s Summertime Ball)
Little Mix – Shout Out to My Ex (Live at the BRITs) This one is one of my favourites.
Little Mix – ‘Touch’ (Live At Capital’s Summertime Ball 2017)
The vocal performances:
Little Mix – Touch (Live on the Honda Stage at iHeartRadio)
The band members are of Jesy, Jade, Perrie and Leighanne. They are amazing together. Honestly, watching their interviews on youtube is one of my favourite pass time. All the four girls have amazing styles and they are always on point.
They have had their share of criticisms but they always manage to rise above it. The ladies have been through so much in their careers from very publicised breakups to slut-shaming yet they have managed to stay strong together.
Who is your favourite artist?