Tagged: kigali

9 AWESOME Activities and Things to do in RWANDA

Rwanda is an awesome country. I can’t say that enough. The people are really nice and friendly even when language barrier gets in the way. One thing to note is that majority of people...

Top 6 Amazing Things to do in Kigali, Rwanda

Kigali, Rwanda is an amazing city. It is one of the cleanest and safest African cities, and I would even go ahead and say the world. I love it there and it has become...

Kigali City

My visit to Kigali, Rwanda: The Second Day

Kigali is a beautiful city, I can not say this enough. It is very clean. I learned that they have a national cleaning day one Saturday each month. The people gather and clean up...

My visit to Kigali, Rwanda: How It Came About

Kigali is a beautiful city and you only know this when you actually get there. My visit to Kigali, Rwanda was one of the happiest moments of my life. I love travelling and I have...