Acts of Grace Rwanda: In Kigali, a friend hosted me at her place for two months

Kings Palace
This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Acts of Grace

I don’t want to repeat the story, but I officially started travelling internationally for my solo trip in August 2021. When I picked Kigali as my first destination, I did because I knew some people there and it would be like a soft landing for this huge adventure that I was about to undertake.

When I talked to my friend (whom I had met at a conference earlier) about searching for an apartment, she and her husband offered to host me for the 2 months I would be in Kigali. This marked the beginning of my wonderful journey and the proof that people are kind.

This was the first of many acts of grace I experienced and it would only open up the door for others.

Dorcas and Jean Claude are one of the most beautiful and kindest couples I have met. They treated me like their sister. Through them, I got to meet more wonderful people. They fed me a lot and introduced me to many local dishes.

We ended up doing so many things together. Dorcas was always driving me to places.

My farewell party

By the end of my 2-month stay, I had made so many good friends and wonderful memories. They even held a farewell party for me which was touching and made my leaving that much more difficult.

I would like to say thank you to all the wonderful people I met in Rwanda. May God bless you abundantly for your kindness and generosity. I ended up feeling like Rwanda was more of a second home for me than another country I visited.

If you are ever in Kigali, check out these things you can do.

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