Tagged: travelling


24 Top Things to Do in Rome Italy

Rome, Italy is one of the most visited cities in the world. It also happens to be on many people’s wish list. And it is worth all that. The city combines a historical feel...


10 Top Things to do in Gdańsk Poland

Gdańsk is a very beautiful city in Poland. When people talk about visiting Poland, Gdańsk is not usually a destination they think of and that is a shame. Gdańsk is a hidden gem and...

Planning a Trip to Europe for 45 people

When I received an email telling me that I had been selected to be part of the committee that would organise a trip for students, I was ecstatic, because it meant I would go...

KTH Library

The World Traveller In The Making. Travelling Ninja.

One day in the early months of 2017, my boyfriend and I were in a matatu heading to work from his place. At around Westlands, just before that closed roundabout, we were talking about...